Since it premiered on April 20, 2009, Millionaire Hot Seat has become Australia's longest running quiz show – and remains the only program on Australian television where it is possible to win $1 million.
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Can you ace this week's Millionaire Hot Seat quiz?
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Be part of the Studio Audience of Millionaire Hot Seat
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Apply to be a contestant on Millionaire Hot Seat
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Eddie McGuire announces Millionaire Hot Seat will be going into hiatus in 2024
"It's with great pride and joy and also sadness."
Samantha Stosur on winning the 2023 Millionaire Hot Seat Wimbledon special
Scoring $100,000 for her charity Rally4Ever.
Can you beat this week's Millionaire Hot Seat quiz?
Can you complete this week's Millionaire Hot Seat quiz?
Test your knowledge.
Millionaire Hot Seat Competition
This competition has now closed.
Millionaire Hot Seat hits incredible 2500 episodes
"It's really hard to believe."